Home > Business Fields > Underground Resin Double Wall Pipes with Leak Detection System

Underground Resin Double Wall Pipes with Leak Detection System

Japan: Patent No. 4421711
Resin double wall piping structure

Leading-edge patent technology only by Sanfreund

Underground Resin Double Wall Pipes with Leak Detection System

Leak detection sensor is installed between the main internal pipe and the external pipe. This technology can identify the point of leakage of water from outside and fuel from inside, which allows replacement of fault part before actual damage occurs.

Resin pipes are
very popular now

Single wall pipes

Single wall pipes

Thermoplastic resin pipes are developed for transport of fuels such as petroleum products. They comply with organic solvent and are highly resistant to carbon hydride.

Double wall pipes

Double wall pipes

Single wall (internal) pipes are covered with external pipes. Doubling of pipes can drastically reduce the risk of fuel oil leakage (environmental contamination). They are suitable for fuel oil passage such as product pipes and fill pipes.
